MCDB Town Hall Meeting August 2020
The faculty of the UCSB Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Department invite you to join us in a Town Hall meeting to be held via zoom Friday, August 21st from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.
The goal of our town hall meeting will be to listen and discuss feedback from our student, staff, faculty, and MCDB community at large that focuses on the issues that have led to racial disparity within the department and university. This town hall will be the beginning of an ongoing dialogue that will seek to pursue improvements that we, as a community, can make together. We ask all participants to reflect on their experiences at UCSB and submit feedback and/or ideas prior to the town hall. We look forward to hearing from each of you.
Ground Rules
We aim to hold the meeting in an Inclusive and Respectful Climate. In particular, please abide by the following rules:
Be Respectful. The Town Hall should be a place where we listen and converse with respect and empathy. Participants should be thoughtful and respectful when making comments.
Take Responsibility. A careful examination about racial injustice and taking meaningful actions against it are long overdue in our MCDB community. It is especially important for non-POC members to recognize this. The conversation may be difficult. We should all please bring an open mind, own our responsibilities, and strive our best to do better.